So...I know I have a million jobs already (Choffy, Scentsy, helping with Jay's Choffy business, being a mommy, on and on...) but now I have REAL go-somewhere-each-day-and-get-a-pay-check job! But wait...it gets better! I am working at Great Harvest on Fairview right past Wal Mart on the left in that great collection of specialty shops by the big red barn farmer's market. We make the best bread, cinnamon rolls, scones, cookies, and SANDWICHES! You have to come try the Turkey Pesto...I will even add extra pesto if you ask real nice. =)
My sweetheart was laid off a couple of weeks ago and I am helping the fam out while Jay is applying like crazy all over the United States...and even for some jobs overseas. Jeremy is a Civil Engineer, so if you hear of anything in your area, please let us know!
We feel so blessed with all of our family and church and friend support. We can honestly say that we have never been happier and feel that this change in our lives is going to be for the better and open up great new opportunities for our future! Besides, I never would have found the best place to work, not to mention all my new best friends there!
So, if you are looking for a great lunch place, come check us out! You will not be disappointed! =)