2012 - My Year of Balance

A few years ago a friend shared with me a practice she found productive that I have since instituted into my own life: naming the New Year. I have found this to be a creative, all-encompassing tool to not only set goals for a new year, but also to enjoy success of achieving those goals as a year comes to a close.

So many years before she taught me this I felt that I would set goals for January 1st and then by the next week be overwhelmed and give up. I love this new process because it allows me to get an overall feel of what I want the entire year ahead to hold. As I picture it as a whole, my goals come into focus and I am able to set realistic, achievable marks. It also serves as a reminder throughout the year of what I am trying to accomplish. Even if I am not exactly where I want to be, I can look back to January 1st and see that I truly have used my time within that year to achieve good things in the right direction.

2012, I have decided, will be my Year of Balance. I do not expect myself to be perfectly balanced in all aspects of my life by December 31st, but I do recognize areas in my life that are out of balance and have decided to work on correcting them.

Some aspects of my life that I feel need balance are:

My Health: I recently had a great friend point out that I do not take enough time for myself. She reminded me that if I am not healthy, I won't have as much to give to others. She owns a yoga studio, so I will be attending once a week (once I recover from my surgery)...and I LOVE yoga!

My Parenting: I have great kids, but they need a great mom. I have decided that while I work and enjoy it immensely, it is important for me to be here each day when they get home from school. I will do my best to close my laptop, silence my cell phone, and dedicate the time they need to have me listen to them and help them with their homework.

Time Management: My job as a marketing coordinator allows me the freedom to work some from home and work in the office in the mornings while my children are at school. My goal is to learn to manage my time so that I can first be a wife/mom and be there for my husband/children and also provide excellent marketing for my fantastic employer. I know it can be done, but this is my most overwhelming goal. It will take some time to learn how to balance my family, my job, my housework, meal prep, etc to where I feel successfully on top of it all...if that's even possible!

Church Calling: I currently do not have a calling in my church...a calling in the LDS Church is a service position in which you are called to perform. My last calling I had was working with the Cub Scouts for nearly a year and half. I was released before my surgery and won't be getting a new one until after my recovery is complete...I hope! I love having a calling and serving in our ward. My goal is to truly magnify my new calling to the best of my ability...whatever it may be.

My decision to name 2012 My Year of Balance comes from my compelling desire to feel closer to the Spirit each day of my life. I feel that as I create more balance in my life by following my Savior, I will feel less stress and anxiety. I look forward to doing my best with a bit more direction this year. I am beginning to already taste the fruits that come from more balance: more peace, more faith, more joy in the day-to-day.

What do you think? What will you name your New Year?


  1. I love it! I've noticed a lot of articles in the ensign this year on balance, I always read them first. It's a constant shift, like a teeter toter it seems. My 2012 motto is "Why Not?" It will give me permission to say yes! Too many times I have to say no, and Now I will say why not?, and will honestly look at both sides. Good luck!

  2. That sounds like it is a worthy goal of a great woman! I am curious though, how did you close out last year? =)

  3. I love this idea! I've never thought of it this way, which is funny b/c this is so perfect for me. I am such a "big picture" person, and this is a great way to avoid getting bogged down in the details of every little thing we want to do--I often do that, and end up discouraged. Thanks for sharing. I'll have to think about what I'll name 2012, but I love your idea on balance. Perfect! (And btw, I think you're already doing all those things really well.)


I'd love to hear your thoughts! :)