My Testimony

I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, and I know Him. I know my Heavenly Father lives and loves me as well. I know that as I do my best to keep the commandments, the Holy Ghost is my constant companion and comfort. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God who received ancient gold plates from a messenger from Christ and that he translated them for us into the Book of Mormon. I know the Book of Mormon to be the Word of God right alongside the Holy Bible. I know that we have a living prophet today, President Thomas S. Monson, and that the Priesthood of the Savior has been restored to the earth. I know that I am not here by chance and that the experiences I have had in my life have been for my good. I have grown to know my Savior through them and will continue to grow as I look to Him for strength.

I love the sunshine on my face, the breeze through the trees, the smell of fresh flowers in the garden, the rushing of the ocean waves. All these things remind me that my Heavenly Father created this world for me and you and that He loves us. He wants us to learn and grow through our mistakes, repentance, and experiences. Each day is unique, full of joy, challenges, and opportunities to reach for Him.

One thing I know for sure: God is anxious to make Himself known to His children. I am not perfect and never will be in this life, but have the promise from a loving Father on High that if I do my best and trust in His ways, I will be with Him again someday and one day rest from all the cares of this world. My greatest joys in this life will be magnified in the one to come.

Here I am, just turned 33 years old, and I have had and continue to enjoy a great life. I have received my greatest joy, my eternal husband and children. Life so far has been full of trials and rough times, but sprinkled with sunshine all along the way. The Lord has never left me...He has trusted me enough at times to really struggle, but always shows me a glimpse of the light that awaits those that trust in the Lord.

Everyone has a story. I'm thankful for the one I'm living.


  1. That was an amazing story. I am practically speechless. Thanks for sharing.

    So glad that you and Jay are such good friends. :)

  2. That was really touching Esther. Thank you for sharing that. It was really well written. There were some things I didn't even know about you in there. I love you. You're amazing.

  3. Esther, this is beautiful. Thank you for sharing not only your story, but your testimony. I feel like I know you even better now, and I am inspired by what you've overcome and how happy you've chosen to be. So many people would have chosen the path of least resistance, or become bitter. You chose the better way, and showed so much maturity at such a young age--not to mention compassion and kindness. You still do. No wonder I admire you so much. I'm so thankful that you moved here and became my friend. I think you are just incredible.

  4. That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing. :)


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